Wembdon Sunshiners Pre-School started out as Wembdon Playgroup in November 1965 (we celebrated our 50th anniversary in November 2015) and was based in the old Village Hall on Orchard lane. In the 1990s the playgroup relocated to the Parish Centre where we were based until our move into the new facilities at Wembdon Village Hall in 2017. Our pre-school is now a busy, popular setting for under fives.
We are situated in a peaceful setting at the edge of the village of Wembdon on the outskirts of Bridgwater, next to open fields, attached to the Wembdon Village Hall. The Village Hall gives us the flexibility of a large hall with an individually designed, secure play area outside.
We are inspected by OFSTED and our most recent inspection report was on 02/12/2019. We are proud to have achieved 'Good' with the inspector commenting on how outstanding our child led planning is.
OUR VISION Positive, nurturing relationships based on trust and respect, are at the heart of our ethos. Wembdon Sunshiners Pre-school have a clear vision of what we strive to achieve:
we provide a safe, happy, caring and stimulating environment for all our children,
enable all our children to learn and love well, have fun, to become confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors to society,
help all our children prepare for the future.
Wembdon Sunshiners: ‘where we explore, learn and grow together.’ OUR PRE-SCHOOL VALUES We have a clear understanding of our values at Wembdon Sunshiners Pre-school:
KINDNESS – Practicing love, respect and patience
COMMUNITY – Working in partnership, caring locally and globally
CURIOSITY – Wonder and awe that leads to discovery
AUTONOMOUS LEARNERS – To regulate and control own learning experiences; independently or in collaboration with peers
Policies and Procedures: Childcare providers must have available at all times policies and procedures for parents, carers and staff to view. If you choose to register your child with us you will receive a welcome pack, in this pack is a list of our policies and procedures. Our policies and procedures are constantly under review and in our newsletter which is produced each half term we will list any policies that have been changed or any new policies which have been implemented.